My writing skills are going down the crapper at this particular moment, that being said I feel necessary to once again warm up the digits and begin to type away on this lovely keyboard I call my own. After a long absence from the blogging world I now find myself more mature and lot funnier (If you don't believe me ask anyone that I hang out with). So I am here to share my humor for all those who want to listen. I will be honest though, most of my humor is not original nor is it something that you could not find on the internet. I actually just search for funny things to say and when the correct opportunity arises I jump to the occasion and sound like a witty genius.
As I stopped typing for two seconds I thought about my last paragraph and realized I have not become one ounce funnier over the past year, I have just become a hell of a lot smarter and a better researcher. I think I just realized I have a photographic memory or something like that. I only say this because how else would I ever remember so many funny things to say?
Anyway, enough of this rant, I am off with the Big Kat to run the Vegas Ragnar and we are going to win. The only reason for this pitiful 200 words of a blog posting was to really say that I am back and 100 percent committed to making this blog the 1003 best on the web. Tough I know. Love you all.
PS, If you know anyone that doesn't leave there room for reasons such as The World of War Craft series or the are just socially troubled please let me know. I am starting a new project and need them.